Essay On Women's Rights During The Progressive Era

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During the reconstructive (1865 to 1877 following the American Civil War) and progressive era (from 1890-1920) there was several amendments that made and make America more democratic (relating to, or supporting democracy or its principles). Voting on (is formal expression of preference for a candidate for office or for a proposed resolution of an issue). Once upon a time only white men were able to vote they came up with certain laws to withhold voting rights from women and people of color. Such as the 3/5 compromise which was a law between delegates from the south and north as to how slaves would be counted when it came to legislative representation and taxing. African Americans were finally given their full right to legislation, representation, and voting rights with the 15th amendment which prohibits the denial to vote based on race. Women’s rights to vote was also challenged, which caused the women’s suffrage movement in the 19th century to begin. International organizations formed in efforts to gain voting rights for women and also equal civil rights for women. The U.S suffrage movement started in the 19th century and ended in 1920 due to the passing of the 19th amendment which prohibits of denial the right to vote based on gender. …show more content…

Those freedoms didn’t apply to African Americans until July 9th, 1868. Slavery has lasted over 200 years from Jamestown in 1619 to 1865. In December 6, 1865, the 13th amendment was ratified by the states. The 13th amendment abolishes slavery in all of America, but they still aren’t considered Citizen. That’s when the 14th amendment came in on July 9, 1868 stating that the states must follow the bill of rights and that all former slaves are now

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