Women Exposed In Pride And Prejudice

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While women being mistreated is heavily expressed in Pride and Prejudice, mistreatment was a prevalent societal issue during the time that Pride and Prejudice was written. Early works, such as The Bible, depict the inferiority of women to men. “Your desire will be for your husband and he will rule over you” (Genesis). The superiority of man is expressed through the sense that man will rule over his woman, which is objectifying to women. Eve, the first woman, was only created to please Adam, since animals and other creatures could not be satisfying helpers to Adam. The very creation of the first woman was only because of man. This idea is expressed in Genesis, which contributes to the notion that men are far more superior to women. Not only does this story contribute to the belief that men are more important than women, it also contributes to the belief that women are …show more content…

The tale of Adam and Eve is very well known, since The Bible is a text followed by many organized religions, such as Christianity. In the Declaration of Independence, the division between genders is also expressed. “All men are created equal” (Declaration of Independence). Women are not given suffrage in America. Women were not given the same rights as men. They were not given the same opportunities as men. Most importantly, Women were not given the same respect as men. In Pride and Prejudice, Mr. Collins shows that he does not care that his wife will be unhappy in their marriage. “she is really headstrong and foolish” (Austen). He is only worried about how he will be unhappy if she does not act the way he wants her to. The notion that men are superior to women was very prevalent during the 19th century and led to the oppression of women due to how they were perceived as less than

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