Woman Hollering Creek Summary

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Sandra Cisneros’s Woman Hollering Creek, brings the perspective of Chicana women into the movement of literary feminism. Cisneros communicates the experiences of Chicana women confronting the "deeply rooted male-controlled values" of Mexican culture through interactions with Mexican fathers and the broader community, which applies pressure upon the women to “conform to a narrow definition of womanhood and a subservient position to men” (Castro, 253). Rafaela Castro underlines in her book, Chicano folklore: A guide to the folktales, traditions, rituals and religious practices of Mexican Americans, how “Cisneros's work deals with the formation of Chicana identity, exploring the challenges of being caught between Mexican and Anglo-American cultures, facing the misogynist attitudes present in both these cultures, and experiencing poverty.” Thus, Chicano folklore helps build our culture, just as any race helps spread their ideas and accomplishments through their literature. It helps build a symbolic and educational reference for future Chicano students. …show more content…

Cisnero’s work promotes feminism, and provides a descriptive/visual sensation of what it is like to live and grow up without a father figure, and the struggles in finding one’s individuality. Cisnero’s succeeds in reflecting and showing herself past and growth as a child, and fills that sense of void with writing. Chicano folklore like Woman Hollering Creek helps provide as a guide and as a reminder to show later generations what the Chicano culture went through to help shape who we are

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