Winston Churchill's 'Refugee'

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Leaders are the most important factors in determining the success or failure of their country. Winston Churchill's speech and the book Refugee provide facts that prove this statement's accuracy. Winston Churchill is an excellent example of a leader who takes the initiative and secures a prosperous future for his country and its civilians. In the excerpt "Blood, Toil, Tears, and Sweat," Churchill states, "You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word: It is victory, victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be, for without victory, there is no survival. Let that be realized: no survival for the British Empire has stood for, no survival for the urges and impulses of all ages, that mankind will move forward towards its goal. But I take up my task with buoyancy and hope." Winston Churchill motivates his citizens; he says he is dedicated to the cause and tries to persuade the audience to fight together. By doing this, Churchill ultimately unifies the once-broken country and ensures a high possibility of winning, stating he will do …show more content…

In contrast to Churchill, the book "Refugee" states, "No one is coming to help us. And Castro's only making things worse." A leader is meant to guide their people to achieving excellence and pave a path for righteousness, always acting in a way that benefits the country's greater good. Yet the way Isabel's dad views him is with such hate and resentment towards how he acts and the deeds he has failed to accomplish. Cuba suffered from great famine and poverty without the Union's support in providing their daily resources. Fidel Castro did not make decisions that benefitted Cuba; he did not fight with the authority that was given when he accepted the position of President. He much rather denied his responsibilities and oppressed the

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