William Shakespeare Research Paper

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William Shakespeare was an English playwright, actor, and poet who is, still to this day, widely regarded as one of the greatest writers of the English language. He has created numerous works that are read from and have influenced many people across the world. Some blogs and articles, however, have been claiming that someone other than William Shakespeare wrote his works. There exist sincere people who believe that Francis Bacon, Christopher Marlowe, or Edward de Vere, was the author of the famous plays and poems attributed to the name William Shakespeare, yet Shakespearean scholars – professionals whose sole job is to study, teach, and write about Shakespeare – generally find these wild claims to be unsubstantiated. Even with the minute amount …show more content…

They say that Shakespeare’s limited education wouldn’t have allowed him to “have had such an excellent command of English” (Doyle). They also seem to believe that “there is no documentation that William Shakspere of Stratford had access to such information” (“Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship”). Their argument is based largely on the fact that “there remains an enormous amount that we don’t know about William Shakespeare” and therefore he mustn’t be the author (Bryson). Since their claims suggest Shakespeare isn’t the author, they had to come up with another candidate for the position. The most popular views are Francis Bacon, Christopher Marlowe, and Edward de Vere. Francis Bacon was an educated man of the Scientific Revolution. He is a popular contender because he wrote some works of practical use. They believe that this man was educated, and therefore more capable than Shakespeare. Christopher Marlowe, the second contender, was popularized for two reasons: he was an educated aristocrat, and he wrote in a similar manner to the works attributed to Shakespeare. Similar to Bacon, they deny that a man without a full education could have written such genius. They even stretch that a common man like Shakespeare “would not have had time to write the four-hour ‘Hamlet’” (Jones). The final contender, Edward de Vere, is claimed to be plausible because he was a …show more content…

Until any hard evidence is given, there can be no question that Shakespeare is the only viable author of these works. The abundance of evidence unmistakably points to Shakespeare as the true author, and any sliver of evidence that the opposing side manages to pull out of a hat has no substance. Because these individuals have questions, they have created their own far-fetched theories to answer them. It is understandable that people have questions; historians still have many questions about most of our past. However, we mustn’t allow our uneasiness of the unknown make us ignore the facts. Shakespeare clearly remains the most plausible and logical author of his

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