William Golding's Lord Of The Flies: An Analysis

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During Lord of the Flies, Golding makes many references to the external world and incorporated that into his work to heighten the quality of his book. In this work, the reader is shown different viewpoints of how people perceive the world. The novel shows the innate cruel nature of humans by showing how the children devolved to savagery, how ritualistic behavior affects a person's mentality and perception, and the way leaders try to obtain power. During the chapters, five through nine Golding shows the audience how he imagines the world and uses literary devices and real-life comparisons in his book to see how people's nature affects them. During this story, we see how all the children try to keep the society but they fail in keeping …show more content…

“Who wants to join my tribe?... I gave you food and my hunters will protect you from the beast. Who will join my tribe?” (pp. 150). Jack knows that by doing these things and showing his accomplishments as a leader that the people would follow him because those are the direst needs at the moment to the children protection and safety. By doing this he manipulated them because he made the others think how he was the best they were going to have, the kids became complacent instead of demanding more from Jake and Ralph because the boys had thought they were going to die on that island. “We got to get out of this” “What d’you mean?” “Get rescued.” (pp. 165) This conversation was between Piggy and Ralph the ones who said that they would be able to get off the island. He made them accustomed to what he did as a leader then knew when he said those things they would follow him because they’d rather be on the island have and have meat than have diarrhea than being uncomfortable, and have to eat plants while waiting for their rescue. Give what you can take what is needed. He resembled communism in the sense that Marx said that he would be able to provide for them and be able to be there and Jack has used this idea to make himself seem better than Ralph who has provided nothing. In doing this it makes people more likely to follow you because of an irrational fear that all people can’t control is uncertainty because although they were fine under Ralph what if the beast came? Ralph couldn’t provide an essential thing that Jack could security although it was security from the beast it was also the mental security of their well being that allowed Jack to take over as the ruler. Due to his smart maneuverings with his word choice and how he protected his chance to be the only leader and

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