Wifi In Cuban Essay

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My paper is on Cuba, In Cuba it is hard to get wifi because you have to pay a lot of money and even then you still have to wait forever. So to be able to post images, surf the web, or talk to family and friends. In the United States, we have wifi and it's easier for us to do the things we want when we want, but they have to pay $5 to use wifi and Cuban people barely even make that much during the week.cubans make twenty dollars a month. In Cuba only 5% of the people can get on the wifi and even then it is extremely slow. To upload pictures, download files,or even watch videos. It could take hours or even days. Most phones such as, Smartphones, iphones, Blackberry handsets, and Android devices have become more common in recent years. In 2011,about 11% of Cubans owned a mobile phone most of them received from family members in the U.S.,in 2009 they only had 430,000 had mobile phones. …show more content…

who have upgraded to newer models. It is so hot in Cuba that some of the technology overheats and doesn't work any more. So people say they need to buy new ones but, they just need to get it fixed. Which is why people would take there overheated PCs to Leyva, he would fix four PCs a week. In 2011 John Kerry went to the state department and they did an extensive policy review and came up with a modest recommendation related to Cuba, regarding the loosening of travel restrictions and the sale of telecommunications equipment, but the administration didn’t act on it. In 2012 about 30 percent of Cuba had access to the internet. Internet connections are through satellite leading the cost of accessing the internet to be

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