Wikipedia is the popular online encyclopedia that is viewed by millions of people yearly. The site contains articles on just about every subject under the sun. Wikipedia editors like to invite contributors to edit or make a Wikipedia page. Certainly, Wikipedia attracts thousands of contributors yearly that like to edit a page. Recently, Wikipedia shared a list of the most Wikipedia edits on the site. Some of the most popular edits are on trendy topics, while others might seem rather surprising at first glance. Most popular edits included everything from Ru Paul's Drag Race to Vincent Van Gogh. Here is more on Wikipedia's growing popularity.
Wikipedia Benefits
Marketers and some individuals are always searching for a proven way to get their message across about their business or personal profile. Often, it takes a tremendous amount of time, energy, and money before results happen. However, Wikpedia is one of the most powerful marketing tools online. Articles on the site generally rise to the top of the search engines. This top position on the search engine leads to rapid recognition for the article and the person responsible for the article. Fortunately, Wikipedia editors actively invite contributors to edit or make a Wikipedia page on subjects that interest them. Certainly, Wikipedia edits are in the thousands per day. Every marketer or individual online should
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However, Wikipedia remains the new trendy way to gain recognition. Wikipedia offers significant exposure for articles and the contributor or writer. Here is more:
Post a personal biography or business biography on the site to gain more recognition.
Articles you write about your brand create significant positive exposure
Articles on the site lend more credibility to an individual or organization
Exposure on the site might lead to more sales and more profits for the
The Wikipedia Collective. (2010, February 22). Mark Morris. Retrieved February 28, 2010, from Wikipedia:
As Wikipedia has become more and more popular with students, some professors have become increasingly concerned about the online, reader-produced encyclopedia. While plenty of professors have complained about the lack of accuracy or completeness of entries, and some have discouraged or tried to bar students from using it.
Blogs, digital portfolios and CV’s are some of the ways to gain identity exposure. A personal brand-building course from Udemy offers lectures explaining how to get the most out of each of the media platforms, such as, Snapchat, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter. Those are just a few of many, but the course also explains how to be the first on emerging platforms. Because technology is frequently changing, keeping up with trends is important to online presence.
I think the main idea from the article “How Google, Wikipedia Have Changed Our Lives – For Better and Worse” who was written by Jennifer Woodard is how this generation of people rely entirely too much on the internet to find their answers for school and everyday life. When people used to research for information they were looking for they could spend hours in the library, reading countless books to find their answers and even find more then what they were looking for. Now when researching people are so used to finding out what they want to know it only takes seconds to type in in your phone and find on Google your answer. Learning before there was computers or google, you had to listen to the whole lecture to get an understanding of everything, 31 (1) 27-49.Fallis, D. (2008). Toward an epistemology of Wikipedia. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 59(10), 1662–1674. doi:10.1002/asi.20870
Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia, 25 Nov. 2013. Web. The Web. The Web.
Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. The Web. The Web. 26 May 2014.
The article that I have chosen to compare for my paper is on Socrates. Often Wikipedia is regarded as an unreliable source for research when compared to other online references like Encyclopedia Britannica. Yes, there is actually is difference that affects the scholarly research from the information provided on Wikipedia.
All fame begins when you do something noticeable. For example, actors and actresses build upon their careers and reputations by achieving excellence in their personal goals, as well as perfecting their public performance.
The common man/woman writes Wikipedia. There is no peer review, there are no editors, and there are no revision dates. In fact, Wikipedia encourages and advises its users to verify the information presented in its content. One positive characteristic Wikipedia has is its currency. An article in another encyclopedia may take months to write, but contributors often write articles on Wikipedia within a month of the occurrence of an event. Another positive feature is its popularity. Millions of users use Wikipedia. It provides dependable material, resolves their questions, and besides, Wikipedia is easy to use.
Wheeler, S., Yeomans, P., & Wheeler, D. (2008). The good, the bad and the wiki: Evaluatingstudent-generated content for collaborative learning. British Journal for Educational Technology, 39(6), 987-995.
Search engines, specifically Google, have probably contributed more to the distribution of knowledge than any other invention since the creation of the printing press. Google was created by Larry Page and Serge...
Wikipedia is one of the most influential sources of information in the world, and I am proud to have contributed and improved a page within the comfort of a class
With social media’s rise in popularity, consumers were given another platform, a viral one, to discuss companies and their products/services. While the main focus of public relations has always been to promote communication and goodwill, the practice also promotes publicity for their clients. With the growth from traditional tools to more sophisticated tactics like video news releases, webcasts, blogs, and social networking, public relations has been able to transform its effectiveness in just a few short years. Any company that does not include the use of social media, is missing the opportunity to obtain valuable information about their brand while also losing a chance to spread its message on a platform that reaches
Social media avenues are a new, upcoming, and popular way to advertise for businesses and for people to connect to each other. Alexis Ohanian once said that "Being effective at social media, whether for business or personal use, means capturing people who have short attention spans. They 're only a click away from a picture of a funny cat, so you have to make your thing more compelling than that cat. And that can be a high bar." (Ohanian) Powerful usage of social media can have a big impact.