Why We Should Gmo Not Be Banned

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Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are becoming a greatly debated topic in many countries. New Zealand, Switzerland, France, and Japan are just a few of the countries that have decided to ban the use of GMOs. Genetically modified organisms are organisms that have been scientifically altered through their DNA. The controversy arising from the use of GMOs is whether they are safe enough to use long-term. Since GMOs have only recently come into our food supply, not enough long term research has been acquired to determine the effects it has on our society. There are many different views on the disputed topic of genetically modified organisms, but the three main views are to ban GMOs completely, to use GMOs without restriction, and to use GMOs in our food supply but regulate and label them. …show more content…

There are many reasons for this belief. One is due to the environmental research that has been done on GMOs. S. Khan said that a genetically modified bacteria, “killed essential soil nutrients, robbing the soil of nitrogen and killed nitrogen capturing fungi” (Khan 8). Another reason that some of the public has been unwilling to accept GMOs is due to the fact that long-term research has not been completed. Many are hesitant to adopt the undeveloped research as true because it has not been completely finished.
Some people believe that GMOs are a positive thing for our society. They believe that it shows how we’ve grown as a community and modernized our way of cultivating food. The community that believes GMOs can positively impact our food supply also believe that by genetically modifying seeds and crops, farming would easier and more efficient. As Mark Lynas said, “it is important to see GM as a spectrum of technologies to improve crops…” This is the viewpoint that many GMO enthusiast

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