Why The Black Table Still Exists

551 Words2 Pages

In “The “Black Table” Is Still There” the author wonders why, after so many years there is a table with just only black kids. I think it is clear that we tend to separate ourselves. It is only natural that this still exists amongst society today. Even though we don’t realize it and it’s done unintentionally. There are a few factors why we segregate ourselves. One reason is that without recognizing it we stay with people from our own race and country. This is because we feel we share the same interest and have so much in common. This goes on every day without people knowing it. It happens in our schools and in our neighborhoods. There are some communities that are divided into same ethnicity. We feel that just because we have the same culture and same beliefs, we are able to relate to each other more easily than someone who is not. Just because someone else is of a different nationality and religion, we don’t associate with them as much. Not to say we can’t be a diverse group of people. It’s because this force of habit not only resides with nationality or religi...

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