Why Smoking is Good for You

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Why Smoking is Good for You

Smoking is good for in many ways including making you live longer.

Although most text books and “experts” say that smoking is bad for

you, there are also many other people who disagree and say it has many

curing properties. For example, a person with bronchitis from

childhood accompanied by marked wheezing wads told by doctors not to

smoke. He was then told by an old country doctor that he used to be

like him until he took up the pipe. Then he tried smoking and it

reduced his bronchitis by far and reduced his cough. He claims that he

is sure he would be dead long ago if he hadn’t of taken up smoking. In

the old days smoking was prescribed to patients who had asthma but now

it has gone out of fashion. More allergies are developed in

non-smokers or people who give up smoking than smokers. Many severe

bronchitis patients find that their first cigarette of the day clears

their lungs and get rid of all their sputum for the next few hours.

The nicotine relaxes the muscles in the bronchial walls keeping them

at the right tension. It also reduces muscle tension in other parts of

the body, reducing tension on the arteries, therefore reducing high

blood pressure and heart disease. It also reduces the appetite, there

for reducing obesity. Nicotine improves concentration in periods of

long-lasting stress and satisfies people in bad temperaments.

Why Smoking is Bad for You

Many experts claim and have proof that smoking is very bad for you.

Smoking involves the burning of tobacco in a pipe, cigar, or

cigarette. The reason smokers feel relaxed smoking is because the

nicotine in tobacco is a very addictive alkaloid. In the U.S.A alone

tobacco use kills 420,000 smokers each year. Nicotine has been proven

to affect the chemistry of the brain. Information is transmitted in

the brain between nerve cells by the chemical acetylcholine. Nicotine

which resembles the same shape as acetylcholine and interferes with

the nerve system therefore stimulating the nervous system giving the

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