Why Schools shouldn't have Dress Codes.

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Rheanne Sargent was given in-school suspension last October for dying her hair pink in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month and she isn’t the only one. All over the country students are being sent home or punished because their hair color isn’t “natural” or their clothing is “unprofessional”. This is unfair and unjust punishment to students who are just trying to express themselves through clothing or hair. Schools should only be able to enforce a clothing dress code if it is proven that it is distracting or harmful. Furthermore, students should have the ability to change their style or the way they look. However, in some schools and districts you are sent home or suspended if you dye your hair an “unnatural” color. Students need a way to express themselves in a multitude of ways. One of these ways is the way they look or their style. There are only a few schools that limit this ability but that is a few too many. For instance, a girl in South Carolina, was suspended for dyeing her hair partially red. This was harsh treatment to this girl who was trying something new or just liked the color red enough she wanted her hair to be that color. Similarly, one school banned “unnatural” red or blue hair, even though it wasn’t district policy. This demonstrates that schools are abusing their power of enforcing a dress doe against “unnaturally” dyed hair. People, not just students, should be permitted to change themselves how ever they so desire.Schools are neglecting this right. For this reason, we should limit what schools can ban or restrict. Equally important, students and teachers are protected by the First Amendment, regardless of when they are at school or not. It is written in the Constitution that people have the f... ... middle of paper ... ...tive. Students have the right to change their style and express themselves. Although, schools can enforce restrictions to clothing that is proven distracting or explicit. If schools sustain to enforce unnecessary dress codes, students will continue to receive unjust treatment for expressing themselves.Children should be allowed to show what they support, and who they are through whatever means they can. This can help them later in life, when they can support a cause or vote on what they think is right. This creativity will help them through their entire lives, by helping them have new ideas or create new inventions later down the road. We should support them while they are young, because we never know who the next Steve Jobs or Bill Gates will be. We can start them down the road of greatness and creativity when they are young, by letting them express themselves.

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