Why Revenge Is Bad And Good By Bryan Robison

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In the article “Why Revenge Is Bad and Good” by Bryan Robison he talks about different stories of people have lost everything and may have a reason to seek revenge. The first one affected by a horrible situation was a young boy named Ali and here is his story. (Paragraph 2-4) “(2) In April, Ali lost both his arms, his parents, his brother and several other relatives to an errant U.S. bomb during combat operations in Iraq. The image of the wounded and burned boy crying in pain on a hospital stretcher inspired people around the globe to raise money for his medical care and further outraged those who opposed the U.S.-led war against Saddam Hussein's regime. (3) Last month, after being fitted for prosthetic arms at a London hospital, Ali said he hoped the people responsible for his disfigurement and the loss of his family would suffer some of his pain. …show more content…

But as Harold Takooshian, professor of psychology at Fordham University in New York says, "It's not healthy, but like many other human needs, it's also normal.” Although we should not act upon this need for revenge it is normal for us all to feel it. In paragraph 12 the difference between revenge and justice are explained so perfectly, “Some people equate revenge with seeking justice, but the two are not the same. People who seek revenge are driven by anger and violence and have not thought about how channel their negative feelings into something positive. They have not considered how they could use their negative experience — the injustice they suffered — to bring about

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