The Destructive Power of Revenge: An Analysis

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Revenge is a fairly strong emotion; it’s wanting to retaliate towards those who wronged you. Revenge is such an uncontrollable way of retaliation that it can result in a destructive outcome or carried out successfully. Although the results may vary, revenge sums up to one thing which is pain of some sort, affecting both parties or just one. Throughout history we see many tales of revenge and redemption. Often revenge does leave the one carrying it out feeling victorious but this can suddenly change as the process of karma generally begins in some tales. When we see these types of stories we are usually on the person wanting revenges side, for example a woman whose child was tragically assaulted by an unidentified male and her seeking revenge. We are introduced to Victor who is found by Robert Walton, now when Victor begins to retell his tragic story he gives us a general view of who he is, where he was born, and what has happened in his life. We then progress through the story and arrive at the rising action which is when Victor returns back to school after his mother’s death and sisters recovery of scarlet fever. Victor sets out to create a living thing upon his return and this is when it all goes down hill, he successfully creates the monster but he is horrified at the site of the creature he then runs like fearful gazelle leaving the creature/monster to wander (very smart Victor). Skipping ahead the monsters causes quite a bit of trouble and strangles a lot of people, and this is all caused by him not being provided with a connection with anyone. Now before he really starts his strangulation spree he spies on a family (the Delacy’s) that teaches him unknowingly how to speak, read, and of general human connection and relationships. This moment of distant watching and learning has left him wanting things even more, he then reveals himself the Father who is blind and he is kind to the monster when the children arrive they terrified and reject the monster. Throughout the tale of the monster is reminded of his indifference by others resulting in him Humans thrive off of connection with other beings, this allows for them to indeed grow and exceed happiness most of the time. Within our species and even outside we are all searching for one thing this is indeed a sense of some purpose and pursuing happiness. Now the monster is unable to obtain a connection with either of the characters mentioned in this story in the beginning resulting in his anger he lashes out only proving what people saw on his exterior which was indeed a reflection of what was within a monster indeed. Revenge can indeed affect both parties because yes the monster succeeded in leaving victor with loneliness and grief similar to what he was feeling but the monster ended up losing victor himself leaving him truly lonely and a feeling of no

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