Why People Bully Essay

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Why does people bully
It is estimated that approximately 75% of people in the United States has been bullied at some time in school. This is one of many statistics found in the article “Bullies, victims grow into roles that can last a lifetime”. An author reveals that bullying, while it has many forms and levels of severity can be devastating and its effect often lasts a lifetime.
Bullying is loosely defined as “the abuse of power that is intended to cause pain”. Some common examples of bullying are teasing, name calling, ridiculing, threatening, and physical acts of aggression such as pushing and shoving. Researchers are emphasizing the need to understand the cause and effect of bullying as statistics reveal a marked rise in the participation of this behavior.
• About one in seven school children is either a bully or a victim of bullying.
• Bullying affects approximately 5 million U.S. elementary and junior high students.
• 10% to 15% of children report being bullied on a regular basis.
This article was interesting and informative. Although I know bullying has been around for a long time, I was not aware of how severe it had become or that the emotional and physical trauma it can cause is now being identified as a risk factor for the type of adolescent violence seen in school shootings in the past few years. The article is very useful in that it contains a list of warning signs to help parents and professionals identify whether a youngster is a victim of bullying or a bully himself.
Bullying in its truest form is comprised of a series of repeated intentionally cruel incidents, involving the same children in the same bully and victim roles. It differs from harassment and discrimination in that the focus is rarely based on gender, ...

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...ng throughout the halls and classrooms all day long. This is just one thing you could do to prevent bullying. There are many things that you could do, depending on what one your school board would like the most. Every city or town should take money from their funds and put it into schools and bullying prevention programs. According to the online article “Caring School Community,” “prevention focuses on strengthening students’ connectedness to school—an important element for increasing academic motivation and achievement and for reducing drug use, violence, and delinquency.” Every school should have a bullying prevention program, where parents and students could come and learn about bullying. These programs could also talk about how it affects people. They should give statistics about what people who bully end up doing in their lives and what people that don’t bully.

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