Why Nobody Wants To Go To Church Analysis

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I first wanted to say; I enjoyed this video the most of all the classes I took at Cornerstone University. Very impressive and real on what we should be doing at ministry leaders in the real world. Thank you so much for this video. What is significant about the format and approach Keller employs in this conversation? Is there anything we can learn from it? Keller approach was very cool, calm and collective as my grandma always says to me when she is checking on me. It is not an easy task for what he was trying to accomplish. A book called, Why Nobody Wants To Go To Church by Group Publishing backs this kind of Christian interaction with one of their four acts of love, called Fearless Conversation. Allowing people to chew on the tough topics. As you can see in this video, the wheels were turning in all of their heads. No, they did not drop on the floor and claimed Jesus as their Lord and savior. But it got them to openly think about the hope that we have. 1 Peter 3:15 reads, “But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you.” Love this verse as it helps me be equipped to answer people who have questions and it reminds me to stay cool, calm and collective during our talks. Has the church failed God and/or the world in its mission, and why might some …show more content…

In my transition point in life from high school to college, I had many questions. This is a time in your life where you are introduced to so many claims of truth, evolution, atheism, Islam, and the list goes on. Sadly, during my transition point in life, no local ministries help me during this time. They wanted to stay away from the hard topics, leaving me to fend for myself. There was a point where I almost gave up my faith due to Christian hating college professors and my life, which was heavily involved with science. Luckily, God had other plans for me and never left my

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