Why Martin Luther King Is Important In History

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Why was Martin Luther King so important in history? Martin Luther King was an African American male who wanted to change how people felt about racism. He was one of the most inspirational leader of the world because of his nonviolent protest. Martin was born on January 15,1929 in Atlanta Georgia. Martin encountered racism at an early age. At age six friendship with two white playmates cut short by parents. At age eleven a woman called him a nigger. Martin Luther King Jr admitted to Morehouse college at age fifteen. Martin Luther King Jr was following in his father’s steps because at age eighteen he wants to become a minister. Martin graduated from Morehouse college in 1948. Martin entered crozer theological seminary in Pennsylvania. …show more content…

In 1959 Martin visited India to study Gandhi’s teachings of nonviolent protest. Martin became a copastor of his father’s church in Atlanta,Georgia 1960. Martin Luther King Jr was jailed in 1963. Martin was the youngest recipient to win the nobel peace prize in 1964. In 1968 April 4th in Memphis Tennessee Martin was assassinated by a sniper . Martin’s death shocked the nation and precipitated rioting by black’s. Martin was buried in Atlanta Georgia. Martin’s efforts spurred the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Martin also spurred the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. In 1977 Martin was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom for his battle against prejudice. In 1986 the United States Congress established a national holiday in King’s honor. King’s holiday is on the third Monday in January. Immediately after King’s death there were calls for a national holiday. King’s birthday was on January 15 and that’s the day that became a holiday. In conclusion King got what he wanted he ended segregation and African American’s were free. King was inspired to stop segregation by Gandhi’s teachings of nonviolent protest. King’s wife died in 2005 with a bad heart

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