Why Liberals Should Endorse

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The main concept of liberalism is that there should be ‘freedom’. All liberalists agree on the following ideas; freedom of thought, freedom of speech, power of governments, rule of law and a market economy. These are the main principles that liberals should endorse.

One of the main aspects that I associate liberalism with is the freedom of thought and speech and one of the most memorable quotes for me is from Voltaire, “I detest what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it.’ this quote really does showcase the fact that liberals respect diversity in thoughts and encourages people to express these thoughts. However, some liberalists such as John Stuart Mill also recognise that freedom of speech may have to be limited if …show more content…

They strongly believe that the government shouldn’t dictate what citizens should do in their own personal life. However, they should provide welfare services such as health, housing, pensions and educating. This intervention allows personal growth and helps people to 2 flourish on their own.

Lastly, another aspect which liberals should endorse is in economic freedom. Classic liberalism will state that the government should allow free markets and let it determine itself and have no control over it what so ever. Modern liberalists have realised, after the Wall Street Crash and other massive economic downfalls that the government should intervene by putting policies in place to stop the same failures from occurring and making it more stable.

Overall, I believe that liberalism is an extremely important ideology that most western counties abide by, as it allows the freedom of speech and thought which is essential in progressing as a nation and as human kind.

Are conservatives more concerned with order than …show more content…

Social order within society is not an easy achievement and once these have been established they must be defended. Authority allows individuals to know where they stand and what they are expected to do. This helps prevent anomie.

Tradition is extremely important to conservatives as it gives an individual a sense of belonging and stability. Too much change or freedom in society is threatening to the order already established according to conservatives. That is why there are few social mobility policies and why many people see the conservatives as a party for the rich due to them upholding the interests of traditional elites and the hierarchy system that they say is natural.

New Right conservatives have argued for more economic freedom, proving that they do not want to govern everything and believe that there should be economic freedom within the markets. According to them this provides opportunities for more social mobility. Whereas other argues that it makes the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

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