Why Is Shakespeare Still Relevant Today

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Shakespeare was a great leader, he taught others in his community about life situations through the lines of his plays, whether it be a tragedy, comedy or a romance. He is widely known for his writing ability which is clearly evident in his 154 sonnets, 38 plays, and two long narrative poems.(Wikipedia: William Shakespeare) His works are still exhibited today and have been translated in to many spoken languages. Shakespeare is still an important role model to writers and was pioneer in the art of composing literature and bringing it to life on stage.

Shakespeare began writing stories (plays) after being an actor for many years. His plays were originally performed in the Globe Theatre in London and now they are played all over the world. The Globe Theater is shaped like a doughnut, it is covered around the sides and is open in the middle(Bio: William Shakespeare). The middle was the cheapest place to watch the play, because you had to stand and it was open to all weather, rain or shine this place was often referred to as the groundlings. Next were the seats around the side of the theater that were covered and you could also pay extra for a cushion to sit on. Some people even …show more content…

Many presidents have quoted Shakespeare in their work. For example, Robert F. Kennedy quoted Shakespeare with "When he shall die take him and cut him out into stars and he shall make the face of heaven so fine that all the world will be in love with night and pay no worship to the garish sun" during his tribute to his brother, John F. Kennedy at the Democratic National Convention in Atlantic City, New Jersey, August 27,1964. Another example is when Ronald Reagan recited the entire‘“Tomorrow and tomorrow” speech from memory at a school event in Tennessee. (New York Times article) Shakespeare is commonly quoted because of the great literary lessons in his

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