Why I Want To Pursue An Engineering Degree

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Technology. It has permeated our way of life. Ever since Thomas Edison invented the lightbulb, engineers have been continuously innovating and inventing products to improve the quality of life. Today, electrical and computer engineers improve the quality of existing technology, integrate faster processors, enhance cyber-security, etc. I aspire to solve these types of problems. The College of Engineering at the Cornell University has opportunities both inside and outside of the classroom that will help me achieve my goals.

Throughout my years in high school, I have taken many STEM courses that have furthered my interest in engineering. At Cornell, I will immerse myself in foundation-building engineering courses such as MATH 1910, ENGRD 2100: Introduction to Circuits for Electrical and Computer Engineers, ENGRD 2110: Object-Oriented Programming and Data Structures, and many more. All of these courses cater to my interest in programming, circuits, and mathematics. My experience taking many AP courses has given me some preparation for the engineering curriculum at Cornell University. …show more content…

I was the Programming Captain my junior year. We programmed the robot in C++ and solved complex problems including motion mapping, breaching obstacles, and shooting a ball. I was also able to learn the electrical aspects of the robot. I learned how to use a heat gun, soldering iron, crimp wires, and connect sensors. I was able to use these skills to design and build the electrical board for our robot. Due to my passion and involvement in the team I was promoted to the Robot Manager of the team. As Robot Manager, I am in charge of the entire robot-side and ensure that the robot is completed on

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