Why I Want To Be A Physical Therapist Essay

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Physical therapists are professionals who assist and help people who have been in accidents or have disabling conditions. These conditions include low-back pain, arthritis, heart disease, fractures, head injuries and cerebral palsy. These health professionals use a bunch of different techniques, called modalities, to restore function, improve mobility, relieve pain and prevent or limit permanent physical disabilities in their patients. Physical therapists work with long-term and short-term clients on a daily basis. Physical therapists also supervise physical therapist assistants and physical therapy aides and, along with them, are members of a team that also includes doctors, occupational therapists, and speech pathologists. Professional skills …show more content…

Qualities that I possess include a hard work ethic, good time management, organization, and study habits. All of these traits listed are necessary in order to become a physical therapist. This career will enable me to achieve my goal of helping and serving individuals in need. I believe that physical therapy is a job that makes a difference in this world and is a significant career due to the fact that it gives millions of people the ability to live a normal, healthy life. The gratification of supporting and coaching others to run, go down the stairs, or maybe even walk again makes this an ideal career for me. In fact, helping others through this career field accomplishes my goal and passion of helping people in need and makes physical therapy to be a fulfilling, positive career. For example, a soldier who lost a leg during a war, an athlete who tore their ACL, or a child who is born with a physical abnormality all require and involve a physical therapist in order to fully recover. Becoming a physical therapist will also allow me to maintain the kind of lifestyle I want. This involves having enough money to cover expenses in my future lifestyle such as savings, retirement, marriage, children, cars, and a house. I also plan on traveling frequently which can also be covered by my physical therapist salary. In addition to having

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