Why I Hate Religion But I Love Jesus By Jefferson Bethke

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Many people believe in the Bible and claim to be Christians, but many of those same people are hypocritical of their belief. People who claim to be Christian do the exact opposite then what’s said in the Bible. For example, Christians who know the Bible better than others commit one of the greatest sins, written in Mark 12:29-31, “The second is this: ’Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” Jefferson Bethke talks about the hypocrisy of some religious people in his poem, “Why I Hate Religion, but I Love Jesus”, while using great metaphors, point of view and a great theme. Bethke shows his passion for the subject as he filmed a video of his spoken word and released it on YouTube, where it’s gotten 31 million …show more content…

An example is when he’s talking about religion and says, “Can’t fix their problems so they just mask it, not realizing that’s just like spraying perfume on a casket. Because the problem with religion is that it never gets to the core… Let’s dress up the outside, make it look nice and neat. It’s funny that’s what they used to do to mummies, while the corps rots underneath” When Bethke says this he is referring to many Christians who put on a fake look. They go to church dressed up and only care about their appetence, while their soul is the thing that needs work. Bethke compares religion to mummification by saying the inside rots away while the outside is a display for others to look at. Bethke also mentions that religion is, “Just a behavior modification, like a long list of chorus.” He is referring to the thought that Christianity isn’t a free life, that its just a bunch of rules people have to follow. Yes, the Bible does have rules and God does give commandments for his followers to do or not to do, but its just another way to live life or see …show more content…

When the Bible commands “Love your neighbor as yourself”, it means be kind and helping to them, not judgmental and hateful towards them. Bethke says, “if grace is water, then the church should be an ocean, because its not a museum for the rich people, it’s a hospital for the broken.” Meaning the church should accept people and help them, not turn them away and judge them. The church should represent Jesus and Gods love for his creation, and since God is the only one who is blameless and perfect, He is also the only one who has the right to judge

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