Why Does Cousins Believe It Is Futile To Investigate The Referee's Role

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3. Why does cousins believe “it is futile to investigate the referee’s role” (9)?
Cousins believes that it is futile to investigate the referee’s role because they are the ones who amuses crowd or audience. Although the referee’s role is to stop the fight early, it disappoints the audience to their viewpoint to stop fight too soon. The supreme moment of boxing is when the audience see the live fight that two men beautifully dodging and swingout each other’s jabs or the time when the two boxer ends up with gory battle and continue to smash at each other with pole-axe impact and that is the most amusing part of boxing.
4. Cousins ends his essay with “And that is precisely the point.” What is the “point” he refers to?
Cousins ends his essay with

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