Why Do You Think People Should Be Held Accountable In Life

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Peoples actions should be held accountable in life or death situations. Do you think people should or shouldn't be held accountable for their actions? Many situations can determine if you should or shouldn't be held accountable. Everything revolves around choice, so I believe if you have the choice to be in a better situation, you should be held accountable. If you know or do put yourself through a situation knowing it's dangerous, it's your fault if something happens. You should have to pay the price. Many individuals have different opinions, but this is what I regard as true. Have you ever been in a situation where a person should be punished for something they did wrong? Drunk drivers choose to put themselves behind the wheel. This has …show more content…

We need to treat these two groups differently.” Your decision should cost you what you deserve. Dangerous situations happen every day and many would agree you should be held accountable for your actions. Another topic shows the choice of people spending money on drugs and becoming financially ruined. “Drug and alcohol addiction is by far the most costly for the poor. A pack of cigarettes can consume 10% of your family’s monthly income” (Forbes). Addiction in a life-or-death situation is a decision made by a person. if you have control over making that bad choice, you should have to bear the cost. Moral Logic of Survivors Guilt states, “Blameworthiness, here, depends on the idea that a person could have done something other than he did. And so he is held accountable, by himself or others.” Most choices a human makes are all in your power, but some people get put in stressful situations. Although most situations come by choice, some may catch you by surprise. Some people are put in threatening situations that cost them everything. According to Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services, “roughly one and three people develop PTSD due to abuse/a weapon threat.” In a situation like

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