Why Do We Have A False Identity?

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William Shakespeare once said, “We know what we are, but what not what we may be”. The internet have transformed our way of thinking. It is now easier to pretend to be someone or something else thanks to the interent. We can all probably agree that we have one or two false social media account where we truly speak what is on our mind without facing any consequences for our words. Everyone’s online identity is false because it allows them to create an ideal or fake persona, use social media to trick others online for personal gain, stalk others online which gives us the feeling of how do we keep falling for these false online identites and what do we consider real of fake online. The first reason why everyone has a false identity online is …show more content…

“One study found that 88% of people spy on their exes on social media after a breakup through looking at their pictures and status updates, sometimes via a mutual friend” (Smith). These who are creating false identities are now basically getting a free pass to look at their victim lives. People who post things on social now got to worry about being stalked online now. Wouldn’t you find it creepy for someone you never have meet to know all about because of false online identities because I would find it creepy if someone out there is getting a free pass to look at my daily life? These things are now increasingly becoming normalised online. False online identities have now created online stalkers but why do we keep falling for these same old …show more content…

“Sockpuppetry – using false identities for deception – is centuries old, but the advent of the web has made creating sockpuppets, and falling for their tricks, easier than ever before.”(Seife). Why are we as a society, keep falling for these same deceptions time after time? Based on one of my earlier sources, it says a reason why we might keep falling for these deceptions are our instincts. “It’s partially an evolutionary default. We’re social creatures, that’s just what we do: We see a pattern that looks like an individual and we think it must be a real person” (Smith). It looks like we are creatures of habit, we continue around a certain pattern in our life. We as a society won’t probably get out of this loop of deception, but now we have to wonder if something is now real or

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