Why Do Government Use Drones

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The government should permit the use of drones for commercial purpose. They are used for our society in many ways. Commercial drones are very important for our society because, for our life privacy and security and, our public safety. Commercial drones are need in our life for many reasons. They are just not planes in the sky flying around in the sky. They are for our protection in our daily life. You don’t know what will happened, so commercial drones are need in our life.

I’ am for it that the government permit the use of drones for commercial purpose. Why because public safety is very important in our daily life. “Law enforcements is expected to be the largest contributor to the overall commercial drones market.” (Brings out report on commercial Drones market 1).

Commercial drones are used for to protect our country. …show more content…

There are use for our safety online, or just safety as in life. They use it for when you're ordering stuff online it will protect you against everything. What I mean everything like bad people or etc...

Other reasons it can prevent bad stuff like a lot of stuff that you can even imagine. What I mean by bad stuff is like crime, wars and etc.. It really good to get commercial drones for many reasons. Another aspect of commercial drones market is a safety issue("Brings out report on commercial drones market ").

Therefore commercials drones market help lots of lives and especially families. It will help them because it will show we going to have a war or something. Then it will save lots of family lives.

So commercial drones are use for many reasons.So therefore is mainly for our safety and our privacy. So get commercial drones don't wait for the last minute.

Brutality and injustice made us raise our hands towards the sky for years; God didn't respond us, commercial drones came to our rescue(M.F.

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