Why Do Criminals Commit 2nd Degree Murder?

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There are criminals that have committed 1st degree murder against innocent lives and yet still have the chance to live life. The consequences they face should be equal to the crime they committed. If someone takes someone else’s life, the same should be done to them; either through life in prison or the death penalty. People who commit 1st degree murder should automatically be given the death penalty, because if they are one day set free they are placing a risk on the lives of other citizens. The same is true for those who commit 2nd degree murder. They have the intention of harming someone, even if they don’t, so these offenders should not be back out into the community. There have been many states that have done away with capital punishment thinking they will see a decrease in crimes. “Supporters of capital punishment rewrote sentencing statutes to make certain that the death penalty was utilized in a fair and equal manner” (Issitt 1). Although, that has been true for some states, but for others the crime rate has just increased. Yes, life imprisonment and the death penalty may seem a bit too exaggerated for some offenses, but when someone takes another humans life, or has the intentions too, they become a danger to families everywhere. Capital punishment should be reinforced for all crimes involving rape, 1st and 2nd degree murder; let the punishment fit the crime done so we can see a decrease in these horrendous crimes. Rape is a very serious crime and offenders have been given a slap on the wrist punishment for that kind of crime. They should be …show more content…

Offenders who commit this crime should not be given life imprisonment, but the death penalty. When someone commits 1st degree murder, the consequence should be equal to the crime they committed. They should be executed, the same way they took another person’s life. 1st degree murder is very common nowadays and most suspects don’t get the punishment that they

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