The Death Penalty Is Righteous

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The Death Penalty Is Righteous

Do you believe that people should get the death penalty? People should get the death penalty because Americans are just wasting our money on criminals who aren't learning their lesson. People should get the death penalty because they have far too many privileges in prison that people actually want to go there. People should get the death penalty because if there is a bigger consequence for their actions there wouldn't be as many people in jail. It would be advantageous for the American civilization to adopt the death penalty as a common penalty.

For example, incarceration isn't a tool that is working to fight crime. As a matter of fact professionals will tell you that incarceration does very little to stop criminals. We have become the country with the highest incarceration rate in the world. The increase in the prison population did not reduce the crime nor did it make Americans feel safer. Americans imprisoned has tripled to 1.5 million. It is certainly appropriate to remove violent offenders from our streets crime(National Criminal Justice Commission 36). Prisons have not had a significant effort on reducing overall crime(Campaign for an Effective Crime Policy 45). It is the finality of the death penalty which instills fear into the heart of every murderer, and it is this fear of punishment which protects society(Crowe 41). As you can see incarceration is not working for America's criminals.

Secondly, people should get the death penalty because our prisons aren't very punishing or intimidating. People aren't very averse to go to prison. In fact, some criminologists have argued that the overuse of the penal system for so many small time offenders has actually created mor...

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...risoners eventually return to prison(Taylor 20). In summation, American criminals should get the death penalty in order to stop the wasting of tax payers' money.

As a result, the death penalty is a superior choice in the punishment of criminals for many reasons. For instance, Americans are just wasting our money on criminals who aren't learning their lesson. Also because they have far too many privileges in prison that people actually want to go there. People should get the death penalty because if there is a bigger consequence for their actions there wouldn't be as many people in jail. The death penalty should be adopted as a more common consequence for crime as soon as possible.


Works Cited

Bender and Leone. The Death Penalty. San Diego: Greenhaven Press,


Bernards, Neal. Prisons. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1990.

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