Why Didn T Wear The Veil Chapter Summaries

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1.“We didn't really like to wear the veil, especially since we didn't understand why we had to” (Satrapi 1)

In this first chapter of the book the author is a young school girl. The Islamic regime

imposed a rule that forced females to wear a veil. The girls at the school did not like to wear the

veil for the simple reason they didn't see any reason to wear it. This is a perfect example of the oppression the author and many other people in Iran faced. The government forced a seemingly pointless law upon the women of their country and gave no reason, but the women that didn't obey would be punished severely. This theme of oppression is reoccurring as the government continuously forces pointless laws and punishment upon the people because they say so.

2. "[The police] forbade people to rescue those locked inside” (Satrapi 14)

In this second chapter of the book a movie theater full of people in Iran is burnt down. The people inside were killed and no one outside was allowed to save the victims. In this case there are two layers of oppression. …show more content…

During the time of the Islamic Revolution parties and essentially all other forms of entertainment were banned. Before long the Guardians of the Revolution caught wind of the plan and forced entry into Tinoosh’s family’s house. The Guardians found cards, cassettes, and chess in the house and arrested Tinoosh’s dad. They punished him with 75 lashes to the back for his crimes. This situation shows to what extent Iranians of the Islamic Revolution and throughout history were oppressed. Things we take for granted everyday were banned because the government wanted to control and know every citizen’s move. Some items were banned because the Islamic religion did not permit them and citizen’s had no choice but to obey Islamic laws, but others were banned just to deprive the people of Iran of hope, knowledge, and

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