Why Did Fulgencio Batista Run?

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What type of government did Fulgencio Batista run? Who supported him and what lead to the revolution between 1958 and 1959?

Fulgencio Batista, Cuban president of the early-to-mid 1940’s, ran his authoritarian government with an iron fist. After his presidency, the United States supported his dictatorship over the nation, lasting until 1959. It was in 1959 that radical left-wing revolutionary Fidel Castro overthrew Batista’s government and implemented his own totalitarian regime. Fueled by the upheavals from the Cuban working class, Castro and his guerrillas, Che Ernesto “Che” Guevara among them, sparked a guerilla movement that eventually took down Batista in 1959.

In what way did the Soviet Union take advantage of the revolution in Cuba? How did the US respond?

With the nation of Cuba being in the throes of revolution, the Soviet Union saw a vulnerability that they took advantage of. They did this through their patronage in that they imported Cuban sugar and provided a credit of $100 million, causing immense tension between the US and the Soviet Union. Because of this, the US withheld its …show more content…

Socially, the populations of all involved countries underwent days of terror in which they believed the world as they knew it could likely end. It was because of this situation that Castro deemed the Soviet Union unreliable and was left to secure social gains by instigating revolution in Cuba’s bordering countries. His regime offered the people increases in healthcare, education, literacy, attempted gender equality and overall quality of life. Industrially speaking, following the Cuban Missile Crisis Cuba saw a rapid industrialization, a direct cause of the increase of schools and education, as well as a steady agricultural reliance on cultivating

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