Wholesale Business Case Study

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In today’s business the final consumer is often referred to as the crucial part as they decide what to purchase and companies act accordingly. That’s why even manufactur-ers more and more try to steer and guide consumers – they are a key for (future) suc-cess since controlling the consumer means controlling the entire chain of distribution.
However, as already mentioned for the sake of this thesis the author will exclusively focus on wholesale. Of course, the remaining channels cannot be considered less im-portant but will not be part of this investigation. Hence, the following section will elabo-rate on wholesale business before the authors will then provide some further insight into sales management.
2.2.1 Wholesale business and it’s characteristics …show more content…

In case of not being pure distributors, wholesalers are active in a quite competitive en-vironment. Wholesalers have to differentiate themselves through sales policy instru-ments and associated services exclusively. Ergo, “sales” is absolutely crucial since efficiency and effectiveness of the sales force have large impact on the company’s bot-tom line. In combination with quite a high proportion of marketing/sales/distribution costs, particularly wholesaler need to have accurate controlling and sales management tools in place. When it comes to profit improvement STEINKELLNER stated that, even though there’re many ways, wholesalers tend to resort to the easiest options to im-prove margins, which is increasing sellout price levels. This, however, usually ends up in a decrease in sales volumes, which in turn possibly even results in financial harm. The second option is lowering cost prices, which is mostly realized by increasing pur-chase volumes. Unfortunately, larger purchasing volumes often result in higher stock with an according decrease in stock turn-rate, an increase in slow-moving articles and eventually less liquidity. This trade-off must be optimally

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