Who was Porcia Catonis?

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Who really was Porcia Catonis? Was she just the loyal, loving wife to Brutus? Did she have more to her than what Shakespeare wrote? Going back to the history of Porcia, her family, other lovers, and reading in between the lines to discover the truth about who Porcia Catonis really was.
Climbing out of the literature books, and cracking open the books of history, researching Porcia may not be the easiest find in the books or on the internet. However, digging deep into her life and coming to realize; she was different than written in the story books. Porcia Catonis inhabited life around 43 BC, daughter of Marcus Porcius Cato Uticencis, a favored politician, and first wife Atilia, a housewife. Porcia persisted of youth and beautiful. She was considered full of courage and affectionate, and also addicted to philosophy. Early on in her life she was betrothed to Marcus Calpurnius Bibulus, her father's political ally. Rumor has it that she and Marcus had a son together, Lucius Calpurnius Bibulus, but many historians believe this to be false by Poricas age, it stood in the way to be in the way for a child. Also, he could have been in the time period of the battle of the Philippi. Nevertheless, Porcia and Marcus’s marriage was faithful and full of life. However, in Roman times, natural marriage was not as secreade as it is now. It was not uncommon for a man to “share” their wives to other men. Subsequently, that is exactly what Quintus Hortensius had asked of Marcus. This, did not sit well with Marcus. He endured too much love and passion with Porcia to let her go. Not even an alliance with Quintius, just for his heir would take Porcia away from him. As humble, and caring Marcus was for his wife, he obtained a strong and fierce status as...

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... In the play, Porcia, was a kind, gentle, faithful, and loving wife. Many would have read that she was a fierce, head strong, strong willed, woman who would fight for her husbands trust at any given cost. No one would have ever thought that Porcia could have been more than what meets the eyes. No one would have thought that she could have been something more than a name on the pages of history. Porcia was more than a pretty, faithful woman, she was exciting, brave, heartfelt, and an underestimated woman that not many people get the chance of knowing. While times changes, Shakespeares plays become less, not many will ever know who Porcia was, where she came from, who she loved, or even how she died. But, for few who will read Shakespeare, and develop a mystery taste for Porcia, as I have, they shall see she had more between the lines of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar.

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