Who Was Responsible For Romeo And Juliet's Death

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Who's at fault for the death of Romeo and Juliet?, themselves?,

Tybalt and Mercutio?, or was it just fate? Did Romeo and Juliet die

from a miscommunication?, would they have lived if Romeo was not

banned from the city?, or would they have died no matter what


If Juliet did not take her death she could have just simply

disobeyed her father and not married Paris. After her father had cast

her away she could have left Verona and go live with Romeo on the

outskirts of the city where they would live happily being updated on

news in the city by Frirelawernce and his messenger. Life would have

gone well for the two of them, they would of had everything they

needed and wanted, but life did not go that way for them once Romeo …show more content…

Juliet soon found

out that Romeo was dead and she killed herself. That's is why it could

have been Romeo's and Juliet's fault.

Tybalt and Mercutio could also take some of the blame for what

happened to Romeo and Juliet. If Mercutio and Tybalt had not been so

full of themselves and filled with so much pride and just walked away everyone would have been fine and well. Of course things never go the

right way, so they fought as Romeo tried to step in and stop the fight

from happening Tybalt stabbed Mercutio. Romeo, being Mercutio's,

best friend did not take this lightly and went after Tybalt killing him

and being banished from the town of Verona. After being banished it

went down hill and the two lovers had both died.

Was it fate that had killed Romeo and Juliet? Fate is a major role

in most stories and in people’s lives. Fate is a theory that a lot of

people believe in, it states that everything that happens has been

determined already as in, the lives that people live, the work that people

do, its all leading up to the one great moment in that persons life.

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