Who Was Responsible For Macbeth's Downfall

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Macbeth was a brave and worthy soldier who turned himself evil to reach his goal. It all started when the witches enter into his life and gave him three prophecies. He had the potential for greatness but, he ruined it. Macbeth is responsible for his downfall, because he gave attention to the witches, made evil choices, and murdered innocent people trying to cover his tracks.
Firstly, Macbeth did not have to listen to the witches' prophecies or apparition. If he hadn't listened to the witches, he wouldn't end up killing the King (Duncan) or even became coldblooded. For example, one of the three prophecies said, "All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter." If he hadn't taken this prophecy too seriously, he could have prevented the murder of King Duncan. Which would have resulted in him not being coldblooded? Also, one of the witches' apparition got him killed. For example, it said that no man born of women could kill him. He became brave and fought a war like no one could kill him. But he was killed by MacDuff because he was not naturally born. Therefore, listening to the witches got him killed and he could have prevented getting killed, by being careful. …show more content…

He made choices that would harm himself and other people around him. Such as, murdering of King Duncan. He listened to the plan made by his wife [Lady Macbeth] to kill the king and supported her instead of rejecting lady Macbeth's plan. Another example of an evil choice he made was, planning to kill his own best friend (Banquo) and his son (Fleance). He hired the murderer to kill his best friend who was loyal to him. Macbeth could have quiet making evil choices, instead, he kept on going. These types of activities led him to be more vicious and caused him more

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