Macbeth Who Is To Blame Essay

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You are in a candy store with your friends, one friend suggests that you should steal a candy bar. You are old enough to know that it is a bad decision, but you do it anyway. Who is to blame? Many would say you friend is to blame because he told you it would be a good idea. Generally speaking, the blame would fall upon you because you were the one that made the decision. Is it possible that in some situations the blame could fall upon multiple people? Maybe you could blame your friend for giving you the idea or blame your other friend for not trying to stop you, then you and your friends would be responsible for your downfall. Within Macbeth, I think it is reasonable to say multiple people were responsible for his downfall.

Initially, Macbeth …show more content…

First of all, Macbeth never had to listen to the witches and the prophecies and he never had to tell Lady Macbeth of the things he heard and his ideas. Secondly, Macbeth had himself convinced that he should not kill the king and after Lady Macbeth questioned his manhood and gave him guilt he gave in. He never had to give in to Lady Macbeth’s peer pressure. In the end of the story when the witches once again gave him prophecies he believed that he was invincible which left himself vulnerable to Macduff. “I bear a charme’d life, which must not yield to one of woman born” (lines 12-13) After stating the prophecies Macduff claims that he was torn from his mother's womb which left Macbeth vulnerable which led to his death. Macbeth had the ability to not do any of the killing, but in the end Macbeth was responsible for the decisions he made.

Indefinitely, Macbeth is the main person to blame for his downfall. He is not the only one to blame though. Lady Macbeth has the ability to be blamed for his downfall as well due to her peer pressuring him and makes him rethink killing in the first place. The blame also falls on the three witches when they told Macbeth the prophecies and got the idea in his head in the first place. Many are to blame for the downfall of Macbeth during his killing spree I have only mentioned a few

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