Who Wants to Rule the Island?

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“Today, I'm pretty sure I could rule the world.” said Lo Bosworth. That is what almost every character in The Tempest thinks. They think no one could run the island better than they could. Everyone is wanting to kill Prospero so they can be lord of the island. Although it is a small island, everyone would run it differently. Power can be used for good or used for evil. When someone has power many people may become envious of those who have the power. At the beginning of the story, Prospero forcefully got removed from Milan by his own brother. Although he said he was grateful they ended up on this island. Once he got to the island he frees a trapped and tortured spirit named Ariel. He also found a half monster/man named Caliban. Prospero took Caliban under his wing and tried to educate him, such as helping him communicate with humans. In return, Caliban helps Prospero survive on the island since he is not used to having to live on his own. However, Caliban tries to rape Prospero’s daughter, Miranda, so Prospero makes Caliban his slave. Ariel is kind of like Prospero’s eye in the sky and slave all at the same time. He is always doing little things for him. One thing he did which probably saved Prospero’s life is he warned him when men were coming to kill him. Ariel is the opposite of Caliban. He doesn’t want to be a slave but he knows that Prospero will give him his freedom when it comes so he does the work. Caliban doesn’t want to be a slave but he complains about it and hates Prospero all in one. The first one who wants to be lord of the island is Caliban. He believes the island is his in the first place since he was there first. Instead, he killed Caliban’s mother, Sycorax, then made him his slave because ... ... middle of paper ... ...es on her. Prospero puts him through many tough labors to test his love for his daughter. This was Prospero’s way of making them fight for what they want. Ferdinand did not have a problem going through all of the work to marry Miranda. He was more than happy to do it for the woman he loved. In conclusion, power could be a very good thing to have or a very bad thing to have. Although everyone likes when they have it, it could be used wrongly if it is in the wrong hands. It can be used for good or evil. It depends on the person to see if the power will be used for good or evil. Also, many people get karma for abusing their power. Some people don’t understand what it means to have power. Many characters in the book would use their power for good and many would use it for evil. However, we will never know because that is not what Shakespeare intended to do.

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