Who Is Satie's 'Gymnopedie No. 1'?

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Erik Satie’s “Gymnopedie No. 1” has an overarching influence in the world of classical piano and modern music because of the ambiance, rebellion, and the structure of the piece. Satie is able to use dissonance and a simple melodic line to defy the compositional standards in the late-romantic era. Satie’s “Gymnopedie No. 1” was an example of rebellion to the compositional thought, just as Satie was a rebel in the eyes of the established musicians.

Erik Satie was an eccentric French composer during the Romantic era who defied the status quo in formal composition. Satie defied the established “Wagnerian” approach to composition that pertained to structure and clarity by setting up a sense of aloofness and dissonance. Satie was greatly influenced by Medieval music, notably the Plainsong, which shaped Satie’s harmony and melody. Satie would not only break accepted standards but would also poke fun at the composers and their compositions, such as by giving musical markings that would ridicule those of other composers (e.g. Figure it out Yourself). Although many of Satie's peers looked down at him, Satie was friends with several composers, most notably Claude Debussy and Maurice Ravel, who …show more content…

1” as a composition influenced composers such as Debussy, Milhaud, and Ravel with ambience and minimalism. The minimalism in “Gymnopedie No. 1” is seen with the repeating two chord progression and the inspiration behind the composition. The piece creates an ambience where the simple and somewhat unpredictable melodic line over dissonant chords causes a break in the traditional composition. The ethereal mood brought upon by the piece allows for a new compositional outlet where there is a placid and even existential mood, without veneration. The dissonance, simplicity, and unpredictability of Satie’s “Gymnopedie No. 1” serves as a musical basis in style not only for Satie’s contemporaries, but also for future musical

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