Who Is Sanford B. Dole's Annexation Of Hawaii?

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This political cartoon is depicting the day that Hawaii was annexed into America. First of all, the American flag has just been raised by Uncle Sam. Demonstrating Hawaii officially becoming the 50th state. On the right side of the flagpole Uncle Sam is reaching for the sugarcane and pineapple to show how America wanted Hawaii for the natural resources it has such as sugar and pineapple. Standing next to Uncle Sam is Sanford B. Dole toasting with President Mckinley about how finally Hawaii was a state. Dole was a self declared president before annexation and because of his relation with the US he became the first governor of Hawaii. President Mckinley wanted for a long time for Hawaii to be a state and worked together with Dole to make it happen. …show more content…

The US navy ship symbolizes how America can use Hawaii as a naval base to improve their power in the pacific. On the left side the Hawaiians are drawn smaller to show how America was this big imperialist country taking over. One Hawaiian is down on their knees yelling “Our Flag” because the Hawaiian flag is on the ground since Uncle Sam took it down to put up the American one. Another is yelling “Our Fields” since the American’s are taking over the fields for profit. The last Hawaiian is yelling “Our Freedom” not because American’s were enslaving them but rather taking away their ability to be a free country. At the end of the left side is a building that reads “Hawaii Plantation Up Ahead (Property of the U.S)” What’s in the bracket is important because it says “Property of the U.S” Which is another symbol to show how American wanted to own all the resources Hawaii had. To conclude this cartoon shows how the annexation of Hawaii was nothing more of America being an imperialist

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