Analysis Of Black Man And White Woman In Dark Green Rowboat

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“Black Man and White Woman in Dark Green Rowboat” Russell Bank’s “Black Man and White Woman in Dark Green Rowboat” is a short story about a young lady and a young man that are having the difficulty of deciding to keep a baby or have it aborted. The story starts off having the readers unknowing of who the main characters are at all, until the story goes on more. Once we figure out the main characters the story goes into the man and women getting in a green rowboat to go to this island to “fish”. They get to the island and talk about their baby problem. She already makes up her mind saying she is going to have an abortion and his opinion was different. The island is the scene of the story that makes up the character 's behavior in the story. At first the island seems like it is just a nice fishing spot. Later in the story you figure out that it symbolizes the baby because of the hints the young man and women give you. They leave the trailer park in the beginning to find an answer regarding the baby. When the couple gets to the island, Banks describes, “Large, rounded rocks lay around the island, half-submerged in the shallow water, like back of huge, coal-colored hippos”(69). This symbolizes that they are at a rough part of their …show more content…

The story gives us hints that the couple is dealing with a big problem; a baby. “I wish I could leave you here”(70), one clue that the boy mentions when they are at the island. He is meaning that it would be better and safer for her to stay on the island because then it would make life easier on them. The girl on the other hand gives it away by announcing, “I know you do. So do I. But it’ll be all right again afterwards. I promise. It’ll be just like it was”(70). The girl is saying she is doing it for her mother. She told us that she wants to have the baby, but her mom is saying that her life will go back to normal again if she aborts

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