Who Is Mr. Karle's The Gathering?

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The Gathering is both a work of speculative fiction and a children’s book. Speculative fiction is a genre that involves things that do not exist in normal life and they are often allegories. The Gathering is ultimately an allegory for fascism and its negative effects but there are many aspects to the story that must be taken into consideration. In The Gathering, the power complexes within the school strongly resemble social structures during Nazi Germany. The main leader, Mr Karle or ‘The Kraken’ resembles Hitler and his desire for complete and utter power is a toned down version of Hitler climbing up the ranks in Germany until he had ultimate power. He gained supporters by manipulating people and saying things that were ‘outrageous’ but they supported. One example is when Mr Karle defends the science teacher’s claims people should act more like ants: all working flawlessly under one leader. Nathaniel was the only person in the class who opposed the statement. For this, he was punished not unlike opposers in Nazi Germany. The Gathering represents the Nazi party and their desperation to gain members. In the book there are direct references to nazis such as “they acted like nazis!” but there is no extermination of a particular …show more content…

This contrasts usual portrayals of women in speculative fiction and the way women are seen in society. Nissa is clearly her own person, not just an object. She is necessary for the plot to continue as it does, not including the romantic subplot. Nissa had been manipulated by men in the past and overcame her fear of close relationships. She also does not end up with Nathaniel, a stereotypical ending for speculative fiction but it is implied they may get together. The careful writing of their relationship is accurate for teenagers, something not necessarily deep or something that takes over the whole

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