Who Is Hitchcock's Pivotal Scene In North By Northwest

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In Hitchcock's North by Northwest, the protagonist, Roger Thornhill, is placed in a precarious position when he is abducted after being mistaken for an F.B.I. agent by the name of Kaplan. The men who took him, under orders from a man named Vandamm, proceed to make attempts on his life for the remainder of the film. However, Roger manages to survive time after time despite the circumstances he was forced into. By evaluating three of Roger Thornhill's pivotal scenes in North by Northwest, it can be understood that Hitchcock intended to demonstrate that an individual is capable of controlling his or her own existence through individual choices, despite being placed in scenarios beyond his or her control. After being abducted, Roger makes the conscious choice to find the man he was mistaken for in order to prove he is not who Vandamm's men want dead. His first stop was the hotel in which Kaplan was said to be staying at. When he arrives, he has his mother obtain a keycard to the appropriate room, and proceeds to search for information regarding Kaplan. He asks the staff questions, impersonating Kaplan in order to get information regarding the last …show more content…

In one particular scene, Roger chooses to go against the orders of a government agent in order to help Eve escape the fate of ending up with Vandamm. While different from the aforementioned scenes, Roger's choice to go after Eve still demonstrates his ability to control his existence. This is because he is making a choice that will affect his future--a future he hopes will include Eve. In this sense, the scene where Roger refuses to do as the government agent wishes becomes essential to this overall happiness in the end of the film. If he had not taken control of the situation, Eve would have been killed by Vandamm and Roger would have lived his life wondering "what could have

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