The Gum Thief by Dougles Coupland

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In the present, many people focus on success in life while adjusting to modern society and its expectations, by using their contacts and friendships for personal benefit. In the past, friendship had a significant value in people’s lives; people met for dinner or social events, which consisted of spending more time with families and friends. Today, people favor spending their time alone, but avoid family events due to their lack of interest and insecurities about their social status. In the book The Gum Thief, insecurities are portrayed as a significant trait that causes the characters to lose their motivation towards success in life. The novel highlights that every individual has insecurities, which allows in experiencing the obstacles of life. According to The Toronto Star, “A terrific book….Coupland’s ear for dialogue is as sharp as his eye for social observation.” In the book The Gum Thief by Douglas Coupland, Coupland depicts three different scenarios in which his characters – Roger, Bethany, and Steve and Gloria from a novel in the book called “Glove Pond” – lack the ability to transition their lives from dreams to reality. Their lack of success makes them experiment with lifestyle choices while dealing with the significant effects of their difficult past, their motivation to explore the world, and the subsequent changes in their lives.
The first main character of the book The Gum Thief, Roger, is a middle-aged man who finished high school, has a son with his ex-wife Joan, and works at Staples, not pursuing his dreams of becoming an author. During his high school days, Roger did not put effort into studying, but spent his time partying and drinking. After he got married to Joan, they had a son who passed away a few years l...

... middle of paper ... teach themselves to create their dreams into reality. The Daily Mail articulates that, “A tender and hopeful story that shows how, with friendship and the occasional little act of rebellion, there can still be laughter after tragedy.” This emphasizes the author’s observation on people’s belief of giving up because of their past experiences. Coupland incorporates his characters – Roger, Bethany, Steve and Gloria – within his book to illustrate that giving up in life has its consequences; ultimately, their lack of success makes them experience different opportunities while coping with their difficult past that impacts their future. As a result, their motivation to explore the world from a different view increases, causing ensuing changes towards their surrounding lifestyle.

Works Cited

Coupland, Douglas. The Gum Thief. Toronto: Random House Canada, 2007. Print.

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