Who I am

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“Who are you?” I ask myself continuously as I enter a blank state of mind. It’s funny how we, as humans, bring ourselves to face life’s challenges everyday and yet, when we are made to consider who we really are as individuals, it becomes a seemingly dreadful task. Discovering who you really are is comparable to facing reality, an honest reflective process whereby we admit and accept our personal flaws and strengths. Most importantly, it is about being adequately self-aware to point out the right characteristics pertaining to you. I feel that all humans are equipped with self-awareness, however, the ultimate line distinguishing the self-aware and not quite self-aware would be our ability to make good use of this ‘skill’ that has been with us throughout our lives.

A brief snippet of the current Kelly: I am an individual who relies a lot on self-realisation and thinking. Often judging, I would consider myself an individualist, as self-expression is something I enjoy. I see an importance in how people carry themselves in life and naturally, I tend to be closer to those who are able to exude their own sense of aura around people. Ignorance is something I cannot tolerate, as being unknowing makes me insecure. As a result, socialising is an aspect in life that I have come to enjoy, as I see it as a means to be exposed to more happenings and knowledge. No doubt, it took me quite a while to shape and reach the stage of the current Kelly. Regardless, as dreadful as it seems, I would walk you through on the crucial changes in my life.

When I was fourteen, I found my passion for visual arts. Herbert Spencer (1864) mentioned in relation to the theory of evolution that life is all about the “survival of the fittest” (p. 444), and this has ...

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...my identity and controlling my individuality from dominating.

Ultimately, I am merely an adolescent. There is no fixed identity of mine and I am pretty sure there would be more changes to be seen in the future. Cassey Ho (2014), a Pilates instructor whom I have been following for over two years now, once said that miracles do happen “through determination, and just trying” to make the change. Hence, I believe that we have an abundance of changes to embrace in our lives and through sensible persistence, we can achieve the best for ourselves. Until then, I would say I have made good use of my self-awareness and am genuinely happy with the person I have come to be.

Works Cited

Ho, C. (2014). Cute Blogilates video collage [Video]. Retrieved from: http://youtu.be/gIoW4beeJwk

Spencer, H. (1864). The principles of biology. (vol. 1). London: Williams and Norgate.

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