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Significance of religion in society
Significance of religion in society
Significance of religion in society
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Literary Analysis Essay
“Who among the gods is like you, Lord? Who is like you— majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders?”(“Exodus 15”).
"In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. Say (O Muhammad) He is God the One God, the Everlasting Refuge, who has not begotten, nor has been begotten, and equal to Him is not anyone."(Allah.org).
“Your Gods and my Gods-do you or I know which are the stronger? Native Proverb,” (Kipling).
How does one know if one God is greater than the other? Christians proclaim that there is only one God; their Messiah is Jesus. Jewish followers believe that Jehovah is the only god. Islam followers proclaim that Muhammad is the almighty one. Who is to say which is right? How are billions of people unable to answer this question? These religions have raised a plethora of unanswerable questions for the people of the past, the present, and the future. All three of these religions have convincible arguments on why they are strongest, or why they are more overpowering, but no one can be right or wrong- which raises a numerous amount of questions about religion. These quotes state the same thing on how nobody is higher than their self-proclaimed god, but each one of the quotes have a different
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Native Proverb,” (Kipling). This quote from Rudyard Kipling’s “Mark of the Beast,” shows the debate over which religion or religions are the strongest, and it shows how one cannot confirm which religion is right or wrong. Also, this quote is a rhetorical question because Kipling knows that this question does not have a correct or incorrect answer. This question is one of the plethoras that cannot have a correct answer. Since all of these religions have different beliefs, it would be tremendously difficult to answer the question “which are stronger”(Kipling). Even though the trio of religions believe in only one god, each god symbolizes and means something
The three monotheistic faiths, Islam, Judaism, and Christianity all essentially believe in the same God, whether His name be Allah, Yahweh, or God. They all believe in the same
Robinson, B. A. (2008, March 30). Books of the Hebrew Scripture . Retrieved May 7, 2011, from Religious Tolerance: http://www.religioustolerance.org/chr_otb3.htm
Monotheism is the belief in the existence of one God. There are three of the most influential monotheistic religions in world history today known as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. These three religions share both vast similarities and differences. One significant similarity they share is the belief in one deity. The belief of one God gave many people guidance and purpose in their lives. For this reason, these three religions gained many followers and believers who had faith in God. Through faithfulness in God, many were promised eternal paradise. In the following paragraphs, I will explain the similarities and differences between the rituals, holy scripts, and salvation that these religions shared.
Both Christians and Islam believe in one Supreme Being but according to Christian they call Him God while Muslims call him Allah. The two religions conceptualize God in different ways. Muslims view Allah as one God, this is emphasized through the word ‘tawhid’ which in Islam means “absolute unity”. Christians on the other hand view God as three holy beings, God the father, God the son, and God the Holy Spirit. According to theology this is known as the holy trinity. Early Christians did not understand the meaning of the word trinity which led to the thought that they worship three gods. However, through Christian teachings the meaning of trinity is brought out through the concept of love. Love cannot exist in seclusion ’God is Love’; hence God cannot exist in one form. This is considered blas...
The major similarities that all three religions share are that they are all monotheistic. This all means that they believe in one god and that he is the supreme ruler of all things. They also believe that all things are created equal under one God. They all have books of what they believe to be God's word. The Jews have their book known as the Torah.
Judaism and Islam are known to be two of the main religions that are found throughout the world. They each have similar traits and many more differences. They both are monotheistic, which means they only believe in one god. Muslims worship the God called Allah, which means in Arabic “the God”. And Jews worship the god called Yahweh, which means the God of Israel. Their differences include their core beliefs, rituals, symbols, and history.
Throughout the history of civilization, religion has played an essential role in many societies. There are many reasons why religions have played such a prominent role in defining the culture of a society, but arguably the most notable of these reasons is that a belief or faith in a spiritual or divine power can add meaning and significance to may people’s worldly lives. This phenomenon has proven to be especially true amongst persecuted peoples. One of the reasons why persecuted peoples have shown a great propensity for holding steadfast religious beliefs is that their faith can give them a sense of hope and reason for living despite the terrible conditions of persecution. Evidence of this can be seen in the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic societies. All three of these societies have been subjected to varying forms of pers...
Every religion has its own goal, and their own path and believe to reach their goals, however there are also many similarities in believes. Although the followers of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam may see things differently, they all fundamentally hold the same values and codes. To Islam, the Prophet Mohammad’s teaching is a complete and final revelation. On the other hand, according to the bible, Christianity believes that Jesus Christ is the true lord and savior will grant you the access to heaven in the afterlife. Judaism is founded by Abraham, and it is the base from which both of the other two religions sprung. Even though the three religions differ in many areas and on many aspects, they also agree on the monotheistic, the belief in ‘One True God.’ Those religions have many similarities and a number of significant differences about God, role of women, prayer, and salvation.
that exists and this can be read in the sacred texts, the Koran and the Bible. For all three monotheistic religions, God is the only one that can be considered as the Creator of the Universe, the All-Powerful and the venerable divine being that is gracious and merciful. They also accept the fact that this god is the same God that Abraham worships as stated in the Old Testament. This particular similarity between these three religions has given them the name “the Abrahamic religions” by some experts. Despite the varying names these three religions have for this particular god, in essence, they are one at the same. Abraham is also considered the father to the children of God, which are often referred to as the people of Israel. (Lin) What differs in the three religion’s concept of God is how they advocate them. One can see that Christianity and Judaism are close to their belief of God. They noted that Je...
Henotheism is related in that it recognizes many gods yet chooses to be committed to one, but leaves room for other deities. Many cultures in ancient times believed in more than one god but honored one god above others. The revolutionary belief that a single god could require his devotees to honor no other gods is the cornerstone of the Mosaic religion. Henotheism allegiance to one god while conceding that others also exist- characterizes numerous biblical passages scattered throughout the Old Testament.
Although many religions have different sects; which, may share different ideas just like in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. It is evident that these religions believe in one god. The teaching and traditions of each religion make each religion unique in its own way.
Islam teaches that there is one God: the creator and sustainer of the universe, who is compassionate and just. He calls all the people to believe in Him and worship Him. When someone disobeys the Lord, they may be forgiven if they sincerely repent. In Christianity, the first, and most important of the Ten Commandments states that "I am the Lord thy God." Thou shalt have no other gods before me."
In the article, it states, “is not to deny the differences among a Buddhist who believes in no god, a Jew who believes in one God and Hindu who believes in many gods. It is simply to claim that the mathematics… ‘The fundamentals of essentials of all religions are the same. There is difference only in the non essentials’”. This point made by Prothero imposes that religions have more differences especially their non essentials in each religions.
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all have a similar idea of a God and having a relationship with their God to reach the fifth
Each religion teaches that their faith is the only way to eternal life. Editor Eastman quotes Gandhi’s view of other religions saying, “Everybody is right from his own standpoint, but it is not impossible that everybody may be wrong” (69). This is true; two people can stand facing each other, and one can draw the number six on the floor; however, the other can say it is the number nine. This does not mean either is wrong. Gandhi continues to elaborate, “True knowledge of religion breaks down the barriers between faith and faith.