Persuasive Essay For College

2011 Words5 Pages

Where Would I Be?
My alarm did not startle me for once, early on August 28th. I do not think I was bothered by the alarm, because I was up all night from my excitement to move into college. I was ready to be on my own, and away from home. I was ready to leave for college my junior year in high school, that is how excited I was. I wanted to be free. Everyone always says college is the best time of your life, and I definitely have been having fun, but have had some bumps in the road as well. Through my experience as a college student, I have encountered difficulties with homesickness/anxiety, organization and living with a roommate.
Although I may only be an hour away from home, I still have experienced the issue of homesickness. Growing up in …show more content…

I have found it hard to manage my time because I have awkward time gaps in between my classes. At the beginning of the year, between my eight AM and 11 AM class I always went back to my dorm to crawl back in bed. I also would never want to get up and go to my 11 AM class, as I was comfortable in bed. As the semester went on, I began to start having more and more work, and much less time with my friends. I had to figure out how to make more time for my work during the day. About half way through the semester, I began to go straight to the library after my eight AM to get ahead on all of my work. This was the best decision I made because at night I have time not only for my friends, but time to exercise as well. From research of other students, Macan found “that those who reported more purpose and structure to their time also reported psychological well-being, optimism about the future, more efficient study habits, fewer physical symptoms, and less depression and hopelessness, among other positive tendencies.” (Macan 761). Making such a small adjustment has influenced my life here at school, and has even relieved my

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