When We Tell People When Partners Are Cheating On Them

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I think that we should tell people when we know their partners are cheating on them. Humans know it is morally wrong to commit adultery and it is therefore wrong to lie by omission by not telling those involved when it occurs. Being cheated on hurts those being cheated on, breaks their trust, and embarrasses them. While we might not be able to stop the subsequent hurting period after realization, we can at least give them a chance to know in a more relaxed situation rather than being confronted with the truth. Additionally, we can give those affected the chance to collect themselves before they have to respond and take action against those who cheated on them. Furthermore, we can provide support and stand up for people in that situation by telling them the truth, and if they already had their doubts about their partner’s fidelity, reaffirm their beliefs. …show more content…

Being honest about someone’s infidelity to the person being affected helps the person approach the situation and move on, something anyone affected would want the ability to have.
We, as moral human beings, have the obligation to inform someone when we know their partner is cheating on them. Although it is not always the easiest thing to do, it is the most morally correct way to react, as I saw in my social survey on cyberbullying when it came to alerting the authorities. Unless the relationship between the two people is open, as is discussed and decided by the couple, adultery

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