What are the significant sources of tension (i.e. suspicion, mistrust, class prejudice, racial prejudice, snobbery, enmity, animosity, hatred) bet...

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Harper Lee’s novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, follows Jean Louise (Scout) Finch around her hometown of Maycomb and shows the trials and tribulations that come along with living in a small town. Throughout the novel, Scout begins school, makes new friends and enemies, Maycomb is shocked by the accusations of the rape of a girl, and the mystery of Boo Radley stalks the children of Maycomb. Tension is a common theme that is found throughout the novel, showing the reader of the racial and class prejudice, mistrust, and suspicion that lingers over the town which is set in 1930s Alabama. Some aspects of the novel which relate to this are the case of Tom Robinson, the way the schooling system runs in Maycomb and the mystery of Boo Radley to the younger people of the community.

A major part of To Kill A Mockingbird is the arrest and trial of Tom Robinson, a man who was accused of raping Mayella Ewell. He was said to have hit and choked her before raping her, which is something he would never have been able to do from a badly damaged arm. This event of the plot was very important as Tom Robinson was convicted as guilty, not because he was in fact guilty, but for of his race. He was black and Mayella was not, so the jury decided he was guilty even though there was no possible way he could have injured Mayella the way she had been hurt. This event displays the racism that occurred in 1930s Alabama and how rulings were made in favour of those who were white. Scout sees this, knowing that with Tom Robinson’s useless arm and comes to realise that the conviction against Tom Robinson was not at all fair. In the end the price that was paid was the death of Tom Robinson in prison, leaving his wife and children alone and without a source of income.


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...on, the Cunninghams and Boo Radley were all major focuses of the novel in their own way and each caused their own form of tension either between the main characters or the entire town and county. A certain price is paid by multiple characters in all of these examples where the price was Miss Caroline’s emotional distress from alienating her students to the price which Tom Robinson paid of his unfortunate death in prison. In all, To Kill A Mockingbird is a novel which was composed with an idea in mind and it followed it through to the end. The sources of tension found in the novel from racial to snobbery often overlapped and made for a real feeling set of events where one event caused the next to happen. The sources of tension chosen also worked well for the time the novel was set and they all gave a good example of what it would have been like to live in such a time.

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