What Was The Difference Between Turner And Denmark Vesey

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Denmark Vesey, trying to prove blacks and whites were equal, started to plan a slave revolt in which would gather slaves in the summer and attack whites in Charleston. His revolt did not happen because word was received about it and Vesey was arrested and then hanged with 35 free blacks and slaves.

Nat Turner planned a slave revolt in which himself and 80 slaves went from farm to farm and killed 60 whites. They killed several women and children. After the revolt, Turner and 17 other rebels were executed.

These men were similar in the fact that they were both heavily religious men. They both very much hated slavery and both happened obviously in the South. They both were able to articulate a plan and do shake up the South but, much more by Turner. Both these men as well seem as if they are preachers. …show more content…

Freedom was viewed as an equal stance and not as a “whites only” idea. These men both strongly stood up for something they believed they were supposed to do. Helping with shaking up the whites, these men created a correlation with slavery becoming illegal in Britain.

Because of Turner’s revolt, Virginia created more stringent laws on blacks and slavery and tried to fully illegalize blacks. Many innocent slaves were being punished for the actions of these revolts even though they did nothing wrong. Almost as if to show who was really in charge among slave

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