What Role Does Prior Knowledge Play In Education

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Inferential comprehension loosely means deducing information and understanding using prior knowledge. Students are exposed to new and difficult information throughout their education. Learning to use prior knowledge and prediction techniques enables a student to enter a lesson with their bearings.
This intervention will help students who struggle to understand the content of the novels assigned for this English course. By “anticipating” the book, the students can recall experiences in order to find connections in the novel that would otherwise be missed or misunderstood. The intervention involves the teacher taking information from a book or a passage before actually reading it. They provide a basic overview of what the passage entails and then ask questions to bring about the students’ prior knowledge. That knowledge is used to predict future information. “For each key idea, present one question requiring that readers tap their own prior knowledge of the topic and another that prompts them to predict how the article or story might deal with the topic (Prior Knowledge, n.d.)”. …show more content…

They are not reading the text to the students, instead they are picking apart parts of the text in order to connect past experiences to the new information. After the key fact has been introduced, the teacher asks a question that pertains to the prior knowledge of the class. Writing down these answers will actually spread the linked understanding of the answers to more students. After retrieving the prior knowledge of the class, the teacher now puts forth a prediction. This puts the students in a position to consider the text, even if they still are not sure what the text is fully about, a prediction will allow them to consider the text from a standpoint of the prior knowledge and previous question. The final step is for the class to be put into groups and brainstorm more predictions based on what they have

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