Prior Knowledge

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Prior knowledge plays a pivotal role in every aspect of human life. Knowledge can be stored in various formats like images, features, statistical patterns, all these formats help in making sense of the environment. Using prior knowledge humans can perform various activities including, but not limited to: focusing attention, organizing information in to groups, categorizing objects around, hypothesizing, understanding language, and generating inferences(Smith & Kosslyn, 2007). Processing of information is influenced by prior knowledge during the top down processing. Once signal has been detected by the biological visual system, we try to infer meaning using the prior related knowledge which has been stored in the long term memory based on category, association and similarity in features and statistical patterns(Wickens, Lee, Liu, & Becker, 2004). Prior knowledge has no boundaries and it keeps on changing based on experience with the environment making it easier for us humans to understand our surrounding better and quicker as time passes.

Anderson proposed a model ACT (Adaptive Control of Thought) which explains how human behavior is formed based on prior knowledge. According to this model, knowledge is divided in to two types: declarative and procedural knowledge and spreading activation occurs when there is a match in active part of the declarative knowledge. Time taken for the activation to spread to the prior related knowledge in order to match the signal detected and generate a human behavior is called the reaction time (RT)(John R. Anderson & Pirolli, 1984). This factor plays a crucial role is verifying how easy the product is to use based on users prior knowledge.

Semantic memory is part of the declarative m...

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Wickens, C. D., Lee, J. D., Liu, Y., & Becker, S. E. (2004). An introduction to human Factors Enginnering. (L. Jewell, Ed.)Wickens Christopher D Lee John D Liu Yili Becker Sallie E Gordon (pp. 120-183). Pearson Education,Inc.

Zaki, S. R., Nosofsky, R. M., Stanton, R. D., & Cohen, A. L. (2003). Prototype and exemplar accounts of category learning and attentional allocation: a reassessment. Journal of experimental psychology. Learning, memory, and cognition, 29(6), 1160-73. doi:10.1037/0278-7393.29.6.1160

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